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Depression and Anxiety: How the Two Are Connected

It may sound impossible but there is a thin line between anxiety and depression, which if crossed can lead to certain unpleasant psychological disorders. It is vitally important to detect the condition, or sometimes the two together, and try to treat them simultaneously to ensure a better effect and faster recovery.

Does Anxiety Lead to Depression?

People who suffer from anxiety disorders can found themselves stuck in an agitated state, where big emotional burst can slowly turn into depression. In fact, anxiety and depression go hand-in-hand, that is why it is so important to detect these two conditions as soon as possible to find the right treatment and get rid of them for good.

Besides, you should understand that anxiety disorder is something more than just worries and constant nervousness. Most people start being afraid of stuff which other people pay no attention to. And an important fact here is that in their minds they do understand it′s not right, but cannot do anything to stop it. Moreover, anxious people often start feeling depressed if they think or see they have failed in something, and vice versa, depressed people may feel anxious about certain things. So it′s obvious, the two conditions are interchangeable and can appear one by one due to many reasons, be it a post-traumatic stress disorder, or some biological predisposition.

Anxiety and Depression: Common Symptoms

  • Insomnia;
  • Irrational worries or fears;
  • Difficulty concentrating, memorizing things;
  • Fatigue;
  • Inability to rest and relax;
  • Feeling sad and miserable;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Headache, fast heartbeat, abnormal sweating, difficulty breathing, hot flashes.

What You Need to Know about Antidepressants

If the condition turned out to be more severe, doctors usually prescribe antidepressants that will relieve you from symptoms of depression. Medical workers agree that when the condition aggravates, it may be lifesaving to start taking antidepressants. However, medicines may turn out to be right for you if the condition starts interfering with your ability to function in the everyday life, and if you are convinced this is the only right way to coping with depression. Sometimes the effect is worth it, but antidepressants may take weeks to start being effective. But it is proved to be much more beneficial if coupled with lifestyle changes and therapy that will help you dig deeper into the problem and find its roots.

As a rule, depression is caused by deficiency of such neurotransmitters as serotonin; however, in some cases it may be more complex. Such popular SSRIs as Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro and others are aimed at increasing the levels of serotonin in the human′s brain, but sometimes they prove to be much more effective if combined with the tips listed below.

Top Tips to Manage Anxiety and Depression

1. Get good sleep, because your body is in constant stress and needs more rest.

2. If you start feeling nervous, take a deep breath. First inhale slowly, count to three and then exhale.

3. Eat healthy foods. Keeping to a well-balanced diet will help you get more energetic.

4. Find a relaxing hobby. You can either go in for yoga, or meditate, or listen to soothing music, etc. Try your best to make a step away from your problems and clear your mind to weigh everything. By the way, getting a massage is also a good idea.

5. Find out what makes you feel anxious and try to deal with it. Perhaps, it′s family relationship, work stress or maybe something else you have to deal with every day. Write down these things and then look for a way to reduce stress.

6. Stay positive no matter what. You just need to replace that negative thinking and focus on something positive.

7. Communicate with someone who has ever experienced the same condition and got rid of it. Sometimes such talks can be more effective than you think. Tell your friends and relatives that you feel anxious or depressed about some things and find out if they can help you cope with anxiety. Looking for help online is also a good solution as there is a multitude of effective guides aimed at anxiety management and lots of people who share their life stories. There is always something to learn.

8. Keep fit and try to exercise on a daily basis. It may be challenging at first, but sport works good not only for the body, but for the mind as well. You can go in for any sport which you find enjoyable. Perhaps, you have always wanted to try tennis, but never had a chance to do that. Well, here it is.

Depression and anxiety are not easy to overcome, but quite possible. There are thousands of people worldwide who have pulled themselves together and started dealing with it. You just need to understand there can be ups and downs and everyone feels sad from time to time. Don′t wait for too long. Start acting, eliminate signs of anxiety and depression and go on living a full life.