Submitted to oppression, and strengthening the perversion of physical activity.

Inhibition of motor activity

Hypomimiawhen facial movements are scarce and inexpressive, the amim — they are entirely absent, the face more like a mask.

Hypokinesia (movement inhibition, stupor) — slowing of voluntary movements, and a reduction in their volume and amplitude. Complete immobility is akinesia.

Found depressed hypokinesia where there is a slowdown and an overall reduction in the number of voluntary movements, accompanied by poor-poor depressed facial expressions (the man frozen in grief and had made great efforts already to just move, not to mention other things); manic hypokinesia (usually short, replaced by maniacal excitement): a man so overcome overwhelm his senses that froze in ecstasy, and only the richest facial expression conveys how he is now well. There is also a hallucinatory hypokinesia, especially if hallucinations peremptory or threatening (or both) — the patient stiffens, listening and dreading (“the COMMAND was SIT!!!”); and crazy hypokinesia, usually accompanying delusions of exposure, facial expressions of anxiety and fear (“Ah, THEY began again for me!”).

Mutism (remember the mute button on the TV remote?)- this is when a person can not speak spontaneously or answer a question, despite the fact that he understands speech, as well as in PRINCIPLE able to speak.

Enhancing locomotion

It is represented by obsessive, compulsive and impulsive actions, as well as various variants of hyperkinesia and convulsions.

Obsessive actions are implemented obsessive desire, often having the character of ritual action (say Hello, washed my hands, stepped across the threshold three times touched the jamb).

Compulsive actions are implemented compulsive desire (the same campaign for a beer in a stall on the second stage of alcoholism or dose to the patient puchero issued with heroin addiction). There is no longer a struggle of motives, but the goal is still present.

Impulsive action is action sudden, without a motive, without a target, without much colouring emotions: only that all was quiet, and suddenly the man seemed to explode from the inside like got invisible push and here it already where-that rushed, something ruined, aggressiveness and a tendency to fracture under impulsive action occurs very, very often.

Violent actions are movements and actions that arise by themselves, without any motives, involuntarily, but are perceived by the patient as alien to him, interfering and superfluous, while the consciousness remains clear (ridiculous movements of hands, feet, head, violent cry, crying, laughing, etc.).

The hyperkinesis is, increased physical activity, up to initiation with a loss of focus and expediency motions.

Distinguish euphoric (manic) the hyperkinesis, when revival movements happening against the backdrop of mania (“Oh, del bunch, Oh, I ran”), euphoria; anxiety-depressive hyperkinesis (agitation) that occurs at the height of anxiety and depressive affect and manifested unfocused restlessness (“Oh, now that would be something, Oh, what to do, what to do?”) into the excitation (melancholic raptus); the hallucinatory hyperkinesis when hallucinations frighten the patient or cause him rage, he either flees or tries to attack their alleged source; crazy hyperkinesis (usually with delusions of persecution, or when the patient hides from his pursuers, or he’s on the prowl); a catatonic hyperkinesis — in this case, the action is chaotic, repetitive (the patient may spend hours rocking from side to side or go from corner to corner, or sit-up), with the negativity (try to get him to stop doing it or where to take).

The perversion of locomotor activity (paragenesia).

Negativism — unmotivated opposition, active (when it is possible ogresti) and passive (when the patient will passively let you to do anything against him).

Passive podchinyalas — pathological inclination to execute any instructions without thinking said “follow me” — will go tail all day.

Waxy flexibility (it is catalepsy, from GK. katalēpsis — grasp, hold) — long-term retention of patients attached to or arising postures when the body as though made of wax, including the symptom of “air pillow” (patient, if you remove the pillow from under the head will keep the head on weight, not touching the bed), the fetal position.

Speech stereotypes is a monotonous repetition of certain words (mantras do not count); they are also called stand-up momentum or symptom gramophone records.

Motor stereotypies involuntary, frequent repetition of bizarre postures and movements, devoid of any meaning.

Echopraxia (from Greek. echo-echo and praxia-action) – meaningless copying of the actions of others.

Agonimia (echo + the Greek. mimia — imitation) — mindless copying facial expressions of others.

Echolalia (echo + Greek. lalia — speech) — mindless copying of the speech of others.