Do often sleep disorders are sensitive and a clear indicator of the disorder in mental activity; in the event of illness or exacerbation of sleep is one of the first is broken and one of the first to recover. The variety and prevalence of symptoms of sleep disorders allowed to stand out a whole direction in medicine and neuroscience — it is called somnology. Pillow with heraldic, heraldic heraldic cradle and same button mass. And the international classification of sleep disorders as a founding document.

First of all, it makes sense to highlight insomnia, or actually insomnia (“sleep disorder, manifested by a violation of falling asleep, intermittent surface sleep and/or premature awakening“) and hypersomnia (pathological drowsiness). The list of diseases and syndromes in which both conditions occur is very extensive, as well as the causes provoking both (to take at least the true and false Pickwick syndrome ), so for now we will limit ourselves to mentioning them only.

Since it is customary to consider three periods of sleep (prasonissi — asleep, interconnecti — the actual sleep postranecky — awakening), and sleep disturbances, respectively, can be divided into three groups.