Category: Disorder

Perversion of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness-wakefulness at night and drowsiness during the day

Sleep disorders: when a person can not sleep for a long time, sleep comes in the middle of the night or in the morning, against this background, there is discomfort and anxiety.

Paradoxical drowsiness – a person wants to sleep, goes to bed, but (that’s disgusting!) drowsiness disappears.

Repressed drowsiness – when a person wants to sleep and even manages to fall asleep, but dreams and experiences in sleep are so strong and exciting that sleep runs away — and no longer occurs.

Obsessive fears — agraphobia (“and suddenly won’t sleep and what is insomnia?”), hypnophobia) (“what if I fall asleep?”) the get (“night, dark, scary!”), ametantrone (“as well as the fall asleep and die in my sleep?”), liturgiology (“so go to sleep and you’ll be buried without a control opening, you could Wake up already in a coffin is too late!”); oneirophobia (“and suddenly in dream nightmares will show?”), somniloquy — fear to be spoken in the dream (nightmare spy and salivahana), noctambulation — fear of segodenya.

Cataplexy sleep (or pageprofile) — when the patient is at the point of falling asleep while still being conscious, suddenly feels that he could neither move nor utter anything, nor — horror of horrors — really breathe.

Intrasonics disorders:

Dissociated sleep which may be accompanied by motor disorders (worry, legs jerk, feet suck, teeth gnash), viscero-motor disorders (here at least shall not lie — nocturnal enuresis, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea), pain (of ginalgin, or nyktalgia), night terrors, bouts of palpitation, shortness of breath, and pauses in breathing — apnea.

Intermittent sleep — usually light, with difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings from the slightest rustle or touch; something superficial on the border between sleep and wakefulness. Most often-with abundance of dreams.

Changes in sleep duration-shortening or increasing sleep duration.

Dreams in mental pathology may be particularly bright, imaginative, different liveliness that said V. H. Kandinsky. They can both reflect what a person raved or hallucinated during the day, and, conversely, – dreamed at night, give the patient food for his hallucinations and delirium in the future.

Dream mentalism – it happens that instead of dreams a person has an influx of thoughts, reflections. In some cases, what was thought in a dream, can be further reflected in the content of delusional or neurotic experiences.

Postranjska disorders:

Sleepwalking (somnambulism, sleepwalking) – when the patient performs actions, it is connected and consistent, automatically, being in the power of deep sleep. Most often, unless they are awakened during these activities, patients do not remember their actions.

Prooecia state, when the patient, moving from sleep to wakefulness, is not aware that he was awake, not distinguish reality from dream, while doing automatic unconscious action, often dangerous to themselves and others (especially if you had nightmares, which had to leg it than heavier), memories of whom are not saved.

Cataplexy of awakening (or polyproplene) when a patient is waking up and being well-oriented in the awakening, for a few seconds or minutes can’t open my eyes, to move, to speak.

Loss of sense of sleep (agnosia sleep, giagnoni) — no feel of sleep, its duration.

Note. Prophetic dreams, “dreams in hand”, as well as the dreams of Indian shamans were not presented above, so as not to give scope to rich imagination and fruitless reasonableness, as well as not to multiply the already numerous psychopathologies.

Sleep Disorder

Do often sleep disorders are sensitive and a clear indicator of the disorder in mental activity; in the event of illness or exacerbation of sleep is one of the first is broken and one of the first to recover. The variety and prevalence of symptoms of sleep disorders allowed to stand out a whole direction in medicine and neuroscience — it is called somnology. Pillow with heraldic, heraldic heraldic cradle and same button mass. And the international classification of sleep disorders as a founding document.

First of all, it makes sense to highlight insomnia, or actually insomnia (“sleep disorder, manifested by a violation of falling asleep, intermittent surface sleep and/or premature awakening“) and hypersomnia (pathological drowsiness). The list of diseases and syndromes in which both conditions occur is very extensive, as well as the causes provoking both (to take at least the true and false Pickwick syndrome ), so for now we will limit ourselves to mentioning them only.

Since it is customary to consider three periods of sleep (prasonissi — asleep, interconnecti — the actual sleep postranecky — awakening), and sleep disturbances, respectively, can be divided into three groups.

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