Hyposexualitysexual desire or reduced, or absent. In men, this is some form of impotence (when it’s not so much in the problems of the Executive bodies, as in the crisis, what is called “legislative power”), in women — frigidity.

Hypersexuality – increased sexual desire with appropriate behavior in both men (satyriasis) and women (nymphomania).

Sexual perversion

Autoeroticism is Masturbation, Masturbation and narcissism. This should make an important note: a perversion that should be considered when there are episodes caused by the fact that the partner is unavailable or absent, and when, in addition to yourself, no one would EVER need.

Algolagnia (from Greek. algos — pain and lagneia intercourse, lust) — the need to inflict physical pain or moral suffering to achieve sexual pleasure (including orgasm), yourself (masochism) or sexual partner (sadism).

To vicarious forms of sexual perversion previously attributed homosexuality (in men, sodomy, women lesbianism, tribadism), but now, due to certain nuances, as reasoned in the thesis, and politically hard-won, considered it a sign of broadmindedness and their own sexual preferences. There were visionism, voyeurism (spying on naked faces of the opposite sex, stock up on binoculars, as well as drills and micro-cameras), exhibitionism (exposure of the genitals in the presence of persons of the opposite sex — “and look what I HAVE!”), transvestism, fetishism (idol not only created, but also raped), frotterism (that’s really who the crush in public transport just a joy).

Orientation of sexual attraction to inappropriate objects emit:

  • Pedophilia – sexual attraction to minors;
  • Gerontophilia – sexual attraction to the elderly;
  • Bestiality – sexual attraction to animals;
  • Necrophilia – sexual attraction to corpses;
  • Pygmalionism — sexual attraction to photographs, statues, paintings (ideal place of work-art Museum, such a person can not pay a salary).