It’s Intrusive, overvalued and delusions, if we consider them according to the degree of aggravation. How to distinguish them?
Obsessions arise involuntarily, against the will, and disorganize the logical course of thinking. Important: they are perceived by the patient as painful, and they remain critical, they do NOT determine the direction of the activities of this person, that is, do not subordinate it to themselves, although they disorganize mental activity as a whole.
- Obsessive thoughts arise in the mind of a person involuntarily and even against his will. While consciousness remains nepomucenum, clear.
- Obsessive thoughts are not in a visible connection with the content of thinking, they are in the nature of something alien, extraneous to the thinking of the patient.
- Obsessive thoughts can not be eliminated by the will of the patient. The patient is unable to get rid of them.
- Obsessive thoughts arise in close connection with the emotional sphere, accompanied by depressive emotions, a sense of anxiety.
- Remaining alien to thinking in General, they do not affect the intellectual level of the patient, do not lead to violations of the logical course of thinking, but their presence affects the productivity of thinking, mental disability of the patient.
- The morbid nature of obsessive thoughts is recognized by patients, there is a critical attitude towards them.
Supervaluable idea. The concept of overvalued ideas was put forward by K. Wernicke (1892). They affectively rich take a large (disproportionate) in the mind of the patient, disrupt his mental activities and dominate in large measure his behavior. Occupying an intermediate position between obsessive and delusional ideas, they, unlike the latter, are always based on their real (not fantastic, not fictional) background, although criticism of them is already formal or not at all.
Delusional ideas are painful, absurd, unshakable judgments and conclusions that do not correspond to objective reality, disorganize mental activity and subordinate the behavior of the patient, not amenable to criticism and correction.
Figuratively speaking, the husband, suffering from obsessions of jealousy, tormented by the question — and does not change his wife, but because he can not find real evidence of that, suffers to himself. Husband with overvalued ideas of jealousy, convinced that his wife is wrong, can cause some very real, albeit indirect, of facts and a considerable part of free time devoted to the Amateur detective, aware that, even having found them, to kill no one. A husband with delusional ideas of jealousy doubts nothing. He KNOWS she has the mayor’s lover. Or downstairs neighbor. Or specially called her a witch, the Incubus. The evidence, therefore you don’t even have to look, but if someone still doubts — here: the color of the clothes in which she went to work, the spirits, who certainly likes not only her cigarette butt with her lipstick, thrown on the lower balcony, as well as traces of astral presence. And essential, volatile, ejaculate. And in case of paraphrenic delirium of the spouse and at all the organizer, the ideological inspirer and the only volunteer of an all-galactic brothel.
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Obsessive phenomena can be divided into ideatory, phobic and motor. Ideational, or obsessions, is abstract obsessive thoughts, obsessive doubts (turned off or not turned off the stove-water-light) and memories, haunting score (and there are nine steps, and for me at the bus stop consisted of five people, and the next eight) and thought, often blasphemous or sacrilegious (and dead-it is better all settled, it is not hot; and there is the girl in black — well, so I would…), obsessive sophistication (at least the goal is to guess whether the mood of watching something dead or alive Schrodinger’s cat).
Motor (volitional) disorders are divided into the following categories:
Obsessive drives — the desire to make unnecessary, antisocial, sometimes dangerous actions, which is accompanied by internal discomfort, if not implemented. Most often they are not implemented, especially those that are dangerous:
Homicidalmaniac — obsessive attraction to murder, often of a close person; suicidaire — obsessive desire for suicide; coprolalia — the desire to flip off as it should. By the way, the obsessive desire to step out of the window or from the balcony belongs to the same group, it is almost never realized.
Obsessive actions — implemented obsessive drives, often ritual (made — obsession has passed). Among them, automania — obsessive hand washing when mysophobia, bacillophobia. There are other self-obsessive actions: autoreplace — pulling out own hair (not to be confused with makeup and autoreplace sacral-ischial region, since the objectives are totally different); onychophagia — nibble nails, burrs, obsessive ticks.
Overvalued ideas — allocate the content dismorphophobia (“my nose is a honker, not the chest, and the two blemishes, the legs are as hereditary cavalry, and authorship over the form of the ears are fighting elves Cheburashka”); hypochondria (“Oh, somewhere, something popped, gurgled, tumbled and capricornus — not otherwise kirdyk on approach”); inventions (“not bosonic engine for flying saucers, something more earthy, like a special feature head rivets, but the patent office zadolbali»); reformism (amendments to the law on pensions, the proposals of various parties about the change of the Charter, leadership and the main line); litigation (querulant, prosecutors in their work calculated volumes and tones); erotic (starting from the desire to bring happiness to a marriage Miss My Hometown and ending with a pathological belief in their own irresistibility and sexual omnipotence); sexual inadequacy (“I do not like human beings and, in General, such as me, is that a good wholesale”).
It is necessary to distinguish super-valuable ideas from dominant, dominant — which occur in mentally healthy people and represent devotion to any scientific, cultural or religious ideal, the idea for the sake of the celebration of which a person is ready to neglect everything else (remember the ardent fighters in the name of anything).
If you are paranoid — it does not mean,
that THEY’re not after you.
Every fighter against punitive psychiatry sincerely wish at least once in his life to be woven into the delusional system of one of our patients. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed, level up (raising the level) in the worldview and impatient “when will these wonderful people come in white coats?”as a free bonus.
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